When you need a wave that is an “almond joy”, look no further than the FlowBarrel Five. To the uninitiated, an almond shaped barrel is a tube to behold. Sit inside of the tube and savor it, then race for the shoulder into a ripping cutback, or drop down and do a carving bottom turn and fly into the lip as hard as you can.
The FlowBarrel Five offers this and much more – the perfect antidote to thrill fatigue in a waterpark environment, or the centerpiece of a midsized Wave House, this attraction will be booked all day long. Reserve it before and after public hours for private sessions and lessons or create competitions and leagues that will attract action sports competitors and viewers alike; the FlowBarrel Five is the endless wave that keeps on giving.
In a compact footprint of 11.2m x12.6m, the 645hp of Flygt technology helps to create a head high barrel that you can easily pull into. It has a lip that is ready for gouging and a ramp that is ready for launching. A high performance wave with tremendous versatility, the FlowBarrel Five is the perfect component for your never ending beach party. Just add people, turn it on and let’s have a good time!
Key Concepts

The Lifestyle – Wave Loch DNA is a double helix of wave calculus and wave riding passion. We surf. We live and work at the beach. We infuse our products with our passion and stay close to our roots. Our products are icons of the California beach lifestyle. Wave Loch attractions create an emotional connection to the multibillion dollar board sports industry. Our wave technologies attract the valuable youth market, families and boardsport enthusiasts. When orchestrated correctly, the lifestyle identification inherent in Wave Loch technologies can increase venue revenues beyond those generated by the waves, including sales of food and beverage, retail products, sponsorship opportunities and corporate and competitive events.
The Sport – Flowriding is not just a ride, it is a sport… a 21st Century alchemy that has the look of surfing, the ride of snowboarding, the tricks of skateboarding, and boards derived from wakeboarding. Since the early ‘90s, the world’s best board riders have cross pollinated
into flowboarding. This new alternative board sport is taken seriously from the mountains to the sea. Flowriding will energize your facility with aspiring athletes (and ‘wannabes’) who will pay again and again to enhance their board riding skills. Not only does this repeat business enhance revenue and spread word of mouth, but the better a rider gets, the greater the show for your viewing audience.
Safety – Thrilling to do, thrilling to watch, our ride is designed to handle wipeouts. The FlowRider‘s waveform is a proprietary composite membrane ride surface that is designed to absorb the energy of impacts. Flowboarders may wipe out, but they’ll get back up again and again and again.