“Out in the woods or in the city, It’s all the same to me, When I’m driving free, the worlds my Home… When I’m mobile.” Little did Pete Townshend know that when he wrote the song “Goin’ Mobile” 40 years ago for The Who, that it would be the perfect description of our Mobile FlowRider.
Certainly our most traveled product, the “MoFlo”, as we affectionately call it, has traveled tens of thousands of miles bringing joy to countless numbers of future flowriding participants that would otherwise never have a chance to experience our never ending wave. From the beaches of Brazil, to the Canadian National Expo (CNE), and all stops inbetweeen, the MoFlo is a model of efficiency – quick to set up and tear down and easy to spread the joy of the sport of flowriding.
An engineering marvel of low water depth and fantastic flow, the MoFlo has seen the likes of kids to celebs. Tony Hawk has spent time learning the nuances of the flow at the CNE. It has been rented for one day private parties (just show us the money!), and 4 month tours. Another time it was leased for a number of months until we could build a permanent FlowRider at our customer’s residence. It is the perfect solution to the many complex problems that arise today from trying to get a wave from point A to point B…… Well, we take it to point Z, and all stops inbetween!
The facts are obvious; it is mobile, versatile, nimble and quick and ready to serve on a moments notice. Just make sure you have the required space of 6.6 x 12 meters, insert water and get ready to ride, as 45,000 liters of water will be coming at you at 25 mph. We’re “Goin Mobile…. keep me movin.”
Key Concepts

The Lifestyle – Wave Loch DNA is a double helix of wave calculus and wave riding passion. We surf. We live and work at the beach. We infuse our products with our passion and stay close to our roots. Our products are icons of the California beach lifestyle. Wave Loch attractions create an emotional connection to the multibillion dollar board sports industry. Our wave technologies attract the valuable youth market, families and boardsport enthusiasts. When orchestrated correctly, the lifestyle identification inherent in Wave Loch technologies can increase venue revenues beyond those generated by the waves, including sales of food and beverage, retail products, sponsorship opportunities and corporate and competitive events.
The Sport – Flowriding is not just a ride, it is a sport… a 21st Century alchemy that has the look of surfing, the ride of snowboarding, the tricks of skateboarding, and boards derived from wakeboarding. Since the early ‘90s, the world’s best board riders have cross pollinated
into flowboarding. This new alternative board sport is taken seriously from the mountains to the sea. Flowriding will energize your facility with aspiring athletes (and ‘wannabes’) who will pay again and again to enhance their board riding skills. Not only does this repeat business enhance revenue and spread word of mouth, but the better a rider gets, the greater the show for your viewing audience.
Safety – Thrilling to do, thrilling to watch, our ride is designed to handle wipeouts. The FlowRider‘s waveform is a proprietary composite membrane ride surface that is designed to absorb the energy of impacts. Flowboarders may wipe out, but they’ll get back up again and again and again.